notes: The shy one. Sometimes a little slow to get things, but when she does, she commits all the way.
Has an "earth mother" kind of warmth to her. (Alto)
Costume notes: Lace
Jacket - movement - Red Vest, Old Bathing Suit - Tassle - movement, White Pants- Flowers - White hat with lace, Earth Mother
- pure Mary image
My Thoughts: Katie’s character is described
like me- shy, and slow to get to things, hehe. After cutting my hair recently I realized I even look a bit like her. She always
makes me laugh, rolling around on the roller skates. She’s got a sort of tough New Yorker image, and that’s the
image I often like to portray even though I’m a scaredy cat. She seems like a really nice person, and like every Godspeller
I feel a great connection to her character.Y