
Boston Company

Sorry to say that this is under construction. =P
Well, put it this way- I've taken one step!! I have lots of scans to re-scan, and what with college .... well, don't worry, it'll be done ASAP.
Any information about the Boston Company of Godspell that you have and would like contribute, please send me an email- SeltzerAddict@aol.com Be sure to put 'Boston Godspell' in the subject or I may not get it!!!

Here's part one of the history of the Boston Company of Godspell, shared with us from none other than a cast member - Carla Meyer, who played Peggy Gordon's role (also known as Katie Hanley's role in the film / the character who sang 'By My Side')


Originally, what very quickly became the Boston Company was the 1st National tour. There was a whole itinerary worked out for us, then we got to Boston and had such success that we stayed.

The Wilbur was a great theatre for GODSPELL: it seated 1,200 but had a wonderful sense of intimacy. And Boston was a great city for us. I don’t think there were more than a few weekends in the whole first year that we weren’t performing at a church or charity event.

When we first got there we were housed at The Avery Hotel. It was located in the Combat Zone not too far from the theatre. The minute we knew we were staying for a while ---we scouted out alternatives!

I’m sure you have the cast list, so I won’t go into that, but it was a really interesting and odd combination of talents and personalities. All of us, with the possible exception of Bobby Lee, who had a long list of credits, were at the beginning of our careers. We were filled w/ hope and expectations and lots of enthusiasm and energy.

Nina Faso was our director. (Danny Stone, our Jesus, Nina, and I had worked w/ John-Michael at The Huntington Playhouse in Bay Village, OH, and Nina and I continued at The Arkansas Art Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.) She was the most brilliant, inspiring person to have at the helm of our company. She found a way to keep the basic structure of the existing script, while allowing the particular madness and humor of the Boston actors to come through. No small achievement!!

Stephen Reinhardt (sp?) was our musical director. He was fantastic at getting us up to speed with the music and between the two of them, Steve and Nina managed to give us all the choreography.

((Part two coming soon!))
