My relationship with Godspell in itself is strange. I used to follow Christianity at one point, but for now
I just admire it and admire those who have the faith to believe in it. It was one of my grammy’s favorite films
– she had died of lung cancer when I was five. Of course, I didn’t find out how much she appreciated it until
recently, so it’s just a comforting thing to know. =)
All the time when I was little, I can remember listening to the Off-Broadway recording on tape in the old station wagon.
(I know it was the Off-Broadway 'cause I can remember constantly asking why 'Learn Your Lessons Well' and 'We Beseech Thee'
wasn't in the film! :P) I’m still trying to find that cassette. And my only means of watching it is this old TV recording
my mom snagged for us to watch whenever we wanted. It seemed to have been on television a lot when I was little, and I wish
it were on more often.
I decided to make this site, in all honesty, for myself. That sounds very conceited, but I doubted it would be appreciated
and I wanted a place to dedicate the film in general- I am both surprised and pleased that it received such awesome emails
and comments.
The one thing I dislike about running this site is music maintenance. I have yet to find a file hosting site that doesn't
require me to log in every 30 days or cause lots of problems!
The music videos I made for Godspell were rightly put side by side with songs from my Sophie B. Hawkins Whaler
CD. I listened to her a lot when I was little, around the time I watched Godspell, so putting the two together turned out
to be the best thing. I know some of them are ridiculous, and judge all you want but I made them for myself (before I knew
I could publicly post such things) and to me they were and are still 'comfort videos'.
Aside from Godspell, I love a wide variety of films, TV shows, bands, and even some video games. I had a list on here
but it made me look insane - let's just say I like a wide variety of things but I hold each and every one of them very dear
to my heart. :D
Thank you to everyone who has visited my site!!! ((And whoever took the time to read all this jibber-jabber. ;) ))

(Me with my parrot Sweet Pea)