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Saturday, 24 January 2009
I'm Still Alive
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: "Love Song Requiem" ~ Trading Yesterday

Just wanted everyone to know that yes, I'm still alive, and still well aware of this site's existence. I'll be leaving to work in Disney World as well as take a class there, so I'll be pretty busy for the next four months. Despite this, I will still maintain the site! I know the songs need fixing - I don't enjoy coming here to find no music even on the main page! I've managed to find a good provider, but it was under construction last night so ... there goes that plan!

I've just added a fanart, a new link picture, and a fan photo - I hope more people will contribute to the fan photos section since that is a recently added section.

In other news, Youtube has been constantly removing or muting my music videos. So, if this happens to a Godspell video (I don't believe it has yet) just drop me an email and I can send you the video for viewing on your iPod. I know that's not really allowed, but ... I'm not posting it publicly, that's for sure! I want to keep this site up and running, thank you very much!

Still no news on Godspell on Broadway, but as far as I know they are trying to raise enough money to get it back so ... keep your fingers crossed!!

 ALSO!! Patches and Face Paint has their own Youtube page!! Be sure to subscribe! I'll be posting clips of the actors/actresses in other films, as well as posting the musical numbers in *drumroll* Wide-screen format!! So please subscribe!  

~ Rebecca 

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 1:39 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 24 January 2009 1:44 PM EST
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Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Godspell Revival Shut Down
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: "On the Willows" ~ Original Off-Broadway Production Cast Recording

Hey everyone!

Sad news I'm afraid. The new Broadway Revival of Godspell has been cancelled. They were short $1 million dollars to produce it, and it is no more.

I didn't believe my dad, even until he said it was in the Post. Annette sent me the article online and though I still refuse to believe it, well ... it's probably true.


Still, I won't be brought down by this - it's bound to return someday. Still, it's sad to hear. I really wanted to see a live performance of the original production, seeing as all I've ever seen is the film and according to others, they're really different from each other.

What's even more sad to hear is the actors in the show had given up their other jobs to be in it, and are now out of work. :(

But seriously, why does it cost so much money to produce a show on Broadway? What, is the scenery made out of solid gold? Can't they just put the money on loan and pay it back with the money they get from tickets?? C'mon, people!! x_x

~ Rebecca 

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 2:04 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 August 2008 2:05 PM EDT
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Thursday, 31 July 2008
Godspell on Broadway
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: "People Are Strange" ~ The Doors

Hey everyone!

    Just thought I'd let everyone know that I got an email through a newsletter, and it informed me that the Godspell site for the upcoming Broadway performances is now up! You can visit it here.

"   Dear GODSPELL fan, The official GODSPELL on Broadway website has launched!
    Visit www.GodspellOnBroadway.com now to view the "Day by Day" calendar with the latest updates on the show and important information about how and when you can purchase tickets.
    Long before "Wicked" bewitched Broadway, Oscar and Grammy-winning songwriter Stephen Schwartz created his first musical blockbuster, GODSPELL.& nbsp; Now, Tony nominee Gavin Creel and "American Idol" finalist Diana DeGarmo ("Hairspray") head a cast of New York’s brightest young talents in the first-ever Broadway revival of this joyous, soul-stirring hit."

     Not much at the moment, but at least it'll let everyone know when they can buy their tickets! :)

    Apologies again for not updating the site in a while - and I realized the front page is having music trouble, so I'll have to go attack the account that it's on and fix it. Sorry! :(

 ~ Rebecca

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 10:32 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 31 July 2008 10:40 PM EDT
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Thursday, 24 July 2008
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: "Return to Innocence" ~ Enigma

Hey everyone!

Hope anyone who saw the previous post and was planning to see Broadway in Bryant Park doesn't go today. I just got an email from Kym this morning that it was postponed due to the weather, and is scheduled again for August 15. I hope no one is in the city right now, and if they are that they find something else to do there. Sorry for this short notice - I'm inconvenienced as well seeing as I normally wake up at 12 pm, and I woke up at 9:30 am. D:

So, August 15th, I'll probably go, and I'll remind everyone a couple days in advance of that date. ;)

Also, here's the link to the article on Broadwayworld.com. 

~ Rebecca 

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 10:06 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 24 July 2008 10:10 AM EDT
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Saturday, 19 July 2008
New Godspell cast in Bryant Park!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: "Indian Chanting Sacred Spirit" ~ Enigma

Hey everyone!

I was just emailed by this random fan Kym who told me about an event in Bryant Park which features members of the new Broadway cast. It's on Thursday July 24, from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. If you're close to NYC, go see it! It's free! :D

I may or may not go - probably will depending on how hot it is that day. If I do go ... I'll be wearing this rainbow tie-day shirt with black skulls on it. D: Which is a shirt I hate to wear because I'll stand out ... but yeah, if you go, and I'm there, and you see me ... well, say 'hi'! :)

In other news - I've created new avatars out of boredom - go to the Fanworks section and check them out! 

~ Rebecca 

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 11:19 PM EDT
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Saturday, 12 July 2008
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: "Golly Sandra" ~ Eisley

Hey everyone!

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating - I got caught up in writing a fanfiction that has been hacking away at my conscience so I must get it completed to ease my guilt. I can say that I visited Lincoln Center (to see The Bacchae, which was love Y ) and I got pictures of two new locations. I would've gotten more but I didn't want to drag my family on a silly location hunting trip, especially not after the hell we've gone through and are still going through to find the All Good Gifts rock! x_x

Anyways, I've got scans of the Boston Company playbill (thankyousomuch Annette *hugs*) and more scans courtesy of the ever-resourceful Larry. *hugs*

Soooo .... well, will get my rear in gear once this fanfiction is completed, which shouldn't be too long now. I plan to have it done by my birthday (August 11, fyi) - but we'll see how that turns out. :P

Thank you everyone who has signed the guestbook and has recently sent me emails about their memories of the film and/or play. I love to read them and I love to know that all the effort I put into making this site is appreciated. :)


~ Rebecca

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 11:03 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2008 3:31 AM EDT
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Monday, 9 June 2008
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: "Book of Right On" ~ Joanna Newson

Hey everyone!

I'm sorry I haven't been updating - I've just been putting up birthday banners when the times come - sorry if they're not up on the exact day - my stupid calendar doesn't have a reminder alarm and I sometimes forget to check it. :P

Anyway, my muses have pulled me in the direction of my book for the time being, and I must obey the muses! :P I still have big plans for this site, and I'm not going to let it rot so don't let that thought cross your mind. I've got photo galleries of lobby cards that I'll post when I get the chance, so look forward to them.

As far as Image Galleries go - I've got Anger Management somewhere (Lynne Thigpen's in it) but I haven't been able to uncover it. :P That DVD's been floating all over the house and as soon as I truly need it, it's disappeared. Don't worry - it's gotta be somewhere - I know it wasn't thrown out (though it was pretty scratched.)

Thank you all who come to this site and I hope you'll continue to check back for new updates! :)


~ Rebecca

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 11:40 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2008 3:32 AM EDT
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Sunday, 18 May 2008
They're on their way!
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: "Lavinia" ~ The Veils

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let everyone know that the image galleries are coming, and if you see links to them there aren't pictures there yet unless they're mentioned in the updates section. This is because I'll be busy setting up the pages and linking them together, so if you click a link that's broken, well, I'm doing construction work so it's expected. :P

On that note, I'd like to mention again that anyone can submit pictures to me if they please, whether they are caps from Godspell or other films in which the actors of Godspell had appeared in. It would be greatly appreciated - for now, I'm doing my own capping and Googling. :D

Stay tuned!


~ Rebecca

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 9:31 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2008 3:33 AM EDT
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Friday, 9 May 2008
Image Galleries!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: "Mr. Blue Sky" ~ ELO

Hey everyone!

Okay, so thanks to Larry I've provided an image gallery for Gilmer McCormick. School's ending for me and I'll have about a week or so free until my summer semester, and then I'll have all of July and August to work on them. So ... enjoy!!

I'll let everyone know in an update when I've got another image gallery up, but for now it's just Gilmer's. And it'll be a while until I can get Godspell screencaps because I had a huge folder of them but that's on a disc somewhere and I can't find it, so I'll have to go and re-cap them all. :P

~ Rebecca

P.S.- Hope you like the banner I posted in remembrance of Jeffrey! His death day just passed. =( 22 years now. It's really hard to believe ...

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 11:54 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2008 3:35 AM EDT
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Saturday, 3 May 2008
New Blog!
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: "Beautiful City" ~ Godspell Motion Picture Soundtrack

Yay! So hi everyone! Now I've finally decided to make a blog. So, if you don't want to contact me via email, or just want to put your two cents in, here's where you can do it! =) Don't be shy - I don't bite, contrary to popular belief. ;) Even if I did I couldn't get you through the computer ...

Okay, so - I'm planning on creating image galleries for each of the Godspellers. That's going to take a while, but I hope to make it work.

Also, I'm trying to figure out some way to host all those wav files I have so people with Windows can upload Godspell sounds for their computer to be greeted with. :D I have a Mac now, so, none for me. :P

Other than that ... I still need to get the Boston Company page down. All in good time. ;)

~ Rebecca

P.S.- Here's a preview of the audio clips to come. ;)

Gilmer - "Glad to know ya!"

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 5:29 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2008 3:37 AM EDT
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