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Saturday, 12 July 2008
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: "Golly Sandra" ~ Eisley

Hey everyone!

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating - I got caught up in writing a fanfiction that has been hacking away at my conscience so I must get it completed to ease my guilt. I can say that I visited Lincoln Center (to see The Bacchae, which was love Y ) and I got pictures of two new locations. I would've gotten more but I didn't want to drag my family on a silly location hunting trip, especially not after the hell we've gone through and are still going through to find the All Good Gifts rock! x_x

Anyways, I've got scans of the Boston Company playbill (thankyousomuch Annette *hugs*) and more scans courtesy of the ever-resourceful Larry. *hugs*

Soooo .... well, will get my rear in gear once this fanfiction is completed, which shouldn't be too long now. I plan to have it done by my birthday (August 11, fyi) - but we'll see how that turns out. :P

Thank you everyone who has signed the guestbook and has recently sent me emails about their memories of the film and/or play. I love to read them and I love to know that all the effort I put into making this site is appreciated. :)


~ Rebecca

Posted by SeltzerAddict at 11:03 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2008 3:31 AM EDT
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